ocaml-base64 | Base64 encoding and decoding in OCaml | |
ocaml-batteries | Alternative standard library for OCaml | |
ocaml-bigarray-compat | Compatibility package for the BigArray library in OCaml | |
ocaml-bigstringaf | Bigstring intrinsics and fast blits based on memcpy/memmmove | |
ocaml-bin_prot | Binary protocol generator for OCaml | |
ocaml-biniou | Extensible binary data format, like JSON but faster | |
ocaml-bos | Basic OS interaction for OCaml | |
ocaml-checkseum | Library for Adler-32, CRC32 and CRC32-C algorithms | |
ocaml-cmdliner | Module for the declarative definition of command line interfaces | |
ocaml-compiler-libs | Repackaging of OCaml compiler libraries | |
ocaml-core | Standard library overlay for OCaml by Jane Street | |
ocaml-core_kernel | OCaml standard library overlay (kernel) | |
ocaml-core_unix | Standard library overlay for OCaml by Jane Street (unix-specific) | |
ocaml-cppo | C-style preprocessor for OCaml | |
ocaml-csexp | Canonical S-expressions library for OCaml | |
ocaml-cstruct | Map OCaml arrays onto C-like structs | |
ocaml-digestif | Simple hash algorithms in OCaml | |
ocaml-duff | Library to generate ocaml-angstrom decoders and encoders | |
ocaml-dune | Composable build system for OCaml | |
ocaml-dune-configurator | Configuration test library for Dune | |
ocaml-encore | Library to generate ocaml-angstrom decoders and encoders | |
ocaml-eqaf | Constant time equal function to avoid timing attacks | |
ocaml-expect_test_helpers_core | Helper library for writing expectation tests | |
ocaml-extlib | Alternative standard library for OCaml | |
ocaml-fieldslib | OCaml record fields as first-class values | |
ocaml-findlib | Library finder for OCaml | |
ocaml-fmt | OCaml combinators for pretty-printing functions | |
ocaml-fpath | System-independent file path for OCaml | |
ocaml-git | Pure-language git bindings for OCaml | |
ocaml-hex | Hexadecimal converter for OCaml | |
ocaml-hmap | Heterogeneous value map library | |
ocaml-hxd | Hexdump in OCaml | |
ocaml-int_repr | Integers of various widths in OCaml | |
ocaml-intrinsics | Library of intrinsics for OCaml | |
ocaml-jane-street-headers | Jane Street header files for OCaml | |
ocaml-js-build-tools | OCaml build helper tools from Jane Street | |
ocaml-jst-config | Compile-time configuration for Jane Street libraries | |
ocaml-ke | Fast implementation of queue in OCaml | |
ocaml-logs | Logging infrastructure for OCaml | |
ocaml-lru | Scalable LRU caches for OCaml | |
ocaml-lwt | Cooperative threading library for OCaml | |
ocaml-lwt_glib | SSL module for ocaml-lwt | |
ocaml-lwt_log | Lwt-friendly logging library | |
ocaml-lwt_ppx | PPX module for ocaml-lwt | |
ocaml-lwt_react | Reactive programming module for ocaml-lwt | |
ocaml-lwt_ssl | SSL module for ocaml-lwt | |
ocaml-migrate-parsetree | Migrate parse trees between versions of OCaml | |
ocaml-mirage-flow | Flow implementations for Mirage | |
ocaml-mmap | File mapping for Ocaml | |
ocaml-oasis | Build system for OCaml projects | |
ocaml-ocplib-endian | Optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64 | |
ocaml-optint | Library to provide fast integer (x64) or allocated int32 (x84) | |
ocaml-parsexp | S-expression parsing library for OCaml | |
ocaml-ppx_assert | Assert-like extension nodes that raise useful errors on failure | |
ocaml-ppx_base | Base set of PPX rewriters | |
ocaml-ppx_bench | Syntax extension for writing in-line benchmarks in OCaml code | |
ocaml-ppx_bin_prot | Generation of bin_prot readers and writers from types | |
ocaml-ppx_cold | Cold path annotation translator for OCaml | |
ocaml-ppx_compare | Generation of comparison functions from types | |
ocaml-ppx_custom_printf | Printf-style format-strings for user-defined string conversion | |
ocaml-ppx_derivers | Interoperation package for ocaml-ppx_deriving and ocaml-ppx_type_conv | |
ocaml-ppx_deriving | Type-driven code generation for OCaml | |
ocaml-ppx_disable_unused_warnings | Extension to simplify disabling unused warnings | |
ocaml-ppx_enumerate | Generate a list containing all values of a finite type | |
ocaml-ppx_expect | Cram-like framework for OCaml | |
ocaml-ppx_fail | PPX rewriter to add location to calls to failwiths | |
ocaml-ppx_fields_conv | Generation of access and iteration functions for OCaml records | |
ocaml-ppx_fixed_literal | Extension for simpler notation for fixed point literals | |
ocaml-ppx_hash | Rewriter that generates hash functions from types | |
ocaml-ppx_here | PPX rewriter that defines an extension to find source position | |
ocaml-ppx_ignore_instrumentation | Removes AST nodes for instrumentation extensions | |
ocaml-ppx_import | Ocaml syntax extension to pull in types from compiled interface files | |
ocaml-ppx_inline_test | Syntax extension for writing inline tests in OCaml code | |
ocaml-ppx_jane | Standard Jane Street PPX rewriters for OCaml | |
ocaml-ppx_let | Monadic let-bindings for OCaml | |
ocaml-ppx_log | Extension nodes for lazily rendering log messages | |
ocaml-ppx_module_timer | PPX rewriter that records top-level module startup times | |
ocaml-ppx_optcomp | Optional compilation for OCaml | |
ocaml-ppx_optional | PPX rewriter for pattern matching on flat options | |
ocaml-ppx_pipebang | PPX rewriter that inlines reverse application operators | |
ocaml-ppx_sexp_conv | Generation of S-expression conversion functions from type definitions | |
ocaml-ppx_sexp_message | PPX rewriter for easy construction of s-expressions | |
ocaml-ppx_sexp_value | PPX rewriter that simplifies building s-expressions from OCaml values | |
ocaml-ppx_stable | Stable type conversions generator for OCaml | |
ocaml-ppx_string | Extension for string interpolation | |
ocaml-ppx_tools | Tools for authors of OCaml ppx rewriters | |
ocaml-ppx_typerep_conv | Generation of runtime types from type declarations in OCaml | |
ocaml-ppx_variants_conv | Generation of accessor and iteration functions for OCaml variant types | |
ocaml-ppxlib | Base library and tools for ppx rewriters | |
ocaml-psq | Priority search queues for OCaml | |
ocaml-re | Pure OCaml regular expression library | |
ocaml-react | OCaml module for functional reactive programming | |
ocaml-reactiveData | Functional reactive programming library | |
ocaml-resource-pooling | Library for pooling resources like connections and threads | |
ocaml-result | OCaml compatibility library for Result module | |
ocaml-rresult | Declarative handling of results and errors in OCaml | |
ocaml-seq | Ocaml seq library compatibility package | |
ocaml-sexp_pretty | Pretty printer for S-Expressions | |
ocaml-sexplib | S-Expressions with Type Converters for OCaml | |
ocaml-sexplib0 | Library with definition of S-expressions and some base converters |